Flea Market Drop Off Collection - Spring 2025

Bandstanders collects donated items from the community and then sells them in a garage sale style format. 

Parents & Students: LOTS of help is needed collecting the donations, sorting and pricing any unmarked items.

Students, sign up on google form: 4/26 Collection & 4/27 Flea Market Student Volunteer Sign-Up - Google Sheets

Parents, sign up below.  

Drop-off time will be Saturday, April 26, 2025 (8:30-11:30) at the LHS Commons.


Volunteer times are:

Date: 04/26/2025 (Sat.)
Time: 8 am - 10 am & 10 am - noon
Location: LHS Commons

To signup you must either login or provide a first name, last name, and email address. Login

You should have access to this email account and be able to receive emails related to this volunteering opportunity.

It's funny, but robots don't seem to be able to do simple math.
Item Collection

Item Collection
Collect drop off items and sort/organize.
8 am - 10 am
6 out of 25 filled.
Signed Up: Lisa Kvidahl, Jennifer Larsen, Katie Moslener, Bo Proffitt, Lori Proffitt, Anne Marie Striebel

10 am - noon
4 out of 25 filled.
Signed Up: Isabella Moslener, Matt Moslener, Megan Moslener, Samuel Moslener