Bandstanders Volunteer Guide

Look for current "Volunteer Opportunities" in Membership Toolkit or your email. 

In addition to the volunteer opportunities described below, Committee Members are needed to assist Board Members with planning and executing events. We always need more help! Check out our Organization chart to view open positions.

Please reach out to or any board member if you are interested in any positions, in being a member of a committee, or for any questions. 


Thanks for your help!



  • Camp Lakewood (August)
  • Away competition (October) 

Note: Chaperoning requires an application process (background checks, fingerprinting). If you are interested in chaperoning at either of these events, look for information and application emails. 

As a chaperone, you’ll support a great group of students and their Band Directors; working hard, having fun, and meeting and bonding with a great group of Band parents. If you join us at Camp Lakewood, you’ll have the opportunity to have a backstage pass to witness the amazing transformation as students work on THE SHOW.

  • Camp Lakewood:
    • Chaperones ride the bus from the high school to Camp Lakewood on Thursday and back on Sunday.
    • Chaperones must be willing to stay in a cabin with another chaperone and about 12 band students.
    • Chaperones are given 2-3 work times per day, in which they are required to chaperone students in their activities.
    • Chaperones must be able to walk up hills in the heat. 
    • There is a small fee for chaperones to cover meals and accommodations. 
    • A meeting for perspective chaperones will be held in the summer. 
  • Away Competition:
    • Chaperones ride the bus to the competition with the students. 
    • Chaperones must be willing to share a hotel room with one other chaperone and have personal oversight over 2-3 rooms (4 students/room). 
    • Chaperones make sure students are taped into their rooms at night/un-taped in the morning,
    • Chaperones make sure any extra needs are met of the students while traveling,
    • Chaperones help with snacks and any other organizing needed to make the trip as smooth as possible for all involved.  



Last week of July through the first week of August, Monday-Thursday. 7:00am-5:00pm at Lindbergh High School. 

  • Band Camp Comfort Station:
    • This opportunity is for parents to be on hand if a student needs to "fall out" during morning marching exercises.
    • Parents will be asked to watch any student that comes into the Comfort Station and offer a cool drink, minor first aid (band-aid, cool cloth), encouraging words, etc. 
  • Blue Towel Laundering:
    • This opportunity is to pick up blue towels each day, wash, and bring back to camp the next day.
    • The towels are used each day during band camp to keep students cool during marching exercises in the morning.
    • Towels can typically be washed in 1 or 2 loads.
  • Uniform Fitting:
    • This opportunity is for the first 3 days of band camp to help with uniform fitting for the upcoming season. 
    • No experience necessary. 
    • Instructions will be given on that day.  
  • Band Camp Food:
    • This opportunity is to prepare and serve the band a snack each morning and lunch during each day of camp.



The Equipment Team meets regularly during Marching Band season as well as attends competitions and band events. They are responsible for:

  • Maintaining Bandstanders equipment (trucks, trailers etc.) and building show props
  • Transporting all equipment, instruments, uniforms, etc. to all Marching Band events.
  • Staging before the band needs to perform, and for loading everything back into trucks after the show.  



The band plays the national anthem at a Cardinals game. Volunteers will be needed for Uniform Distribution and Collection. 

  • Volunteers are asked to sign up to distribute uniforms to marchers before they get on the bus, and they are given an opportunity to help put uniforms away after the event.
  • Each task takes about 30-45 min, and there is plenty of time to get to the game and participate in the fun. 



A pool party at a community pool. Will need chaperones and help with preparing/serving food.  


EVENING REHEARSALS — Distribution of Shakos

Volunteers help distribute and collect shakos and plumes at designated night practices.

Not sure what a shako is? That is the hat that the majority of the students wear. Each student has their own shako and hat box.  Volunteers will hand out hat boxes from the band closet, the kids will put their hats on and hat boxes will be given back to volunteers. 

Volunteers also plume the kids, which means putting the feather in their hat. This is a special task since we cannot touch the plume due to the oils on our skin. A few volunteers will wear gloves to complete this task. The students will bend down or volunteers can even stand on chairs, so don't be afraid of this!

After the kids are at the field, there may be a few miscellaneous items to do in the band closet, volunteers are free to go home and come back or walk down to the field and listen to the kids practice. Several band parents, equipment crew and Bandstander board members will be on-hand and it is a great way to meet new people if you are new to the band or just hang out with old friends.

Please note that for some practices, the use of shakos will be canceled. Parents will receive an email stating when this is applicable. 



We have several football game opportunities available for sign-up. Volunteer opportunities available are:

  • Uniform distribution and collection
  • Drink stand monitoring & distribution after half time



Volunteers help with:  

  • Uniform distribution and collection
  • Dinner for the band and LHS Band Alumni



Volunteers help with:  

  • Uniform distribution and collection
  • Dinner for the band and 8th graders



Volunteers help prepare marchers for band competitions and help with needs after marchers return to the school after competitions. Volunteers can sign up for: 

  • Uniform distribution to help with uniform fittings, distribution, and help pin up hair.
  • Uniform collection
  • Food preparation and distribution to marchers during competitions. 



Sunday Night Lights is a free event for every child who has braved the journey of serious childhood disease. Sibling and family participation is encouraged as well. Participants can choose to buddy with a marching band member, flag football player, cheerleader, dance team member or a VIP fan in the stand. High school seniors participate as buddies for this event. 

Volunteers needed to work with the Sunday Night Lights committee to plan band participation during the event. This is an opportunity for marchers to be involved with snacks and a game for those participating. 


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Volunteers help with distribution and collection of concert attire. At certain concerts, volunteers are needed to assist with serving food/desserts.  



Musicthon is 36 hours of music and performances to benefit Alex's Lemonade Stand for cancer research funding. Volunteers are needed to oversee students during the event. 



Volunteers donate breakfast items and help setup/serve to students during Senior Breakfast. 



Volunteers help with uniform distribution and collection of non-Senior Band members who will play at the graduation ceremony.  


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All fundraising events listed below rely heavily on parent and student volunteers. Money raised at these events goes towards general band needs such as equipment, uniforms, travel expenses, banquets and much more! These fundraising efforts aim to lower band fees and are critical to the success of the entire Lindbergh band program. 



The band has the concession stand at one LHS football game each season, and we need a lot of volunteers to help make it a huge success. It is fast paced at times, but we have a lot of fun and even a few laughs along the way.  There are several opportunities:

  • Food prep 
  • Grillers 
  • Front and back line workers 
  • Floaters 


FLEA MARKET (Fall and Spring)

Held two times per year in the high school parking lot. A committee is needed to secure vendors, collect donations for the treasure booth, and plan concessions. Start saving items to donate. We are looking for household and clothing items, including hangers. Sorry, but we cannot accept furniture. 

Volunteer opportunities are for students and parents (sign up together!) and include performance groups, treasure booth, concessions stand and operations of the sale. Shifts usually run 1-2 hours. 

Parent volunteers can help: 

  • Collect donations
  • Sort and price any unmarked items. Drop off times are on Saturdays prior from 8:30-11:30.
  • Manage the money
  • Supervise the treasure booth/boutique (the items the band sells)
  • Check in vendorsDirect traffic
  • General set-up and teardown
  • Work the concession stand (Prep and serve food, Work the grill, Manage the money box.)

Student volunteers can sign up to:

  • Play your instrument (sign up as a group!)
  • Collect donations
  • Work the concession stand (Make sales and collect money. Help distribute lunch to the vendors.)
  • Help parents with the treasure booth by keeping merchandise organized. 

Vendor Coordinator:

  • We are looking for a vendor coordinator for our flea market.  If you aren’t familiar with the flea market, the band does two per year- fall (first Sunday after Labor Day) and spring (first Sunday in May). 
  • The position involves:
    • Sending notice via email (a few via snail mail) to existing vendors telling them that registration is open. 
    • Communicating with vendors a couple times before the flea market and answering any questions.
    • Help assign their parking lot spots (which they like to come back to their same spots.  
    • Attend a couple of committee meetings prior to the event.
  • This event is run by committee and this position is fully supported by the committee. If you are interested in this position or have any questions please contact us at 



The Marching Down Memory Lane Car Show is a new fundraiser started in 2021. In partnership with Cruisin Lindbergh, we fill the high school parking lot with cars, trucks, and motorcycles. A committee is needed to secure participants, solicit donations for raffle items, plan concessions, plan awards and t-shirts, and find sponsorships. Shifts usually run 1-2 hours. 

Parent volunteers help with: 

  • Registering the show cars
  • Directing traffic
  • Selling 50/50 raffle tickets
  • Concession stand (Prep and serve food. Work the grill. Manage the money box.)
  • General operations/lot management. 

Students help by:

  • Playing your instrument 
  • Face painting
  • Working the children’s area
  • Concession stand by making sales and collecting money
  • Sell 50/50 raffle tickets 
  • Directing traffic
  • Lot management 



Trivia Night is a 21 and over event held off site at a community center or hall.  Students are not able to participate however they can volunteer at the event. A committee is needed to plan the event, solicit donations for raffle/auction items, and secure a trivia host. 

Parent volunteers help with:

  • Donations for raffle/ auction baskets
  • Assembly of raffle/auction baskets
  • Check in trivia participants
  • Sell mulligans
  • Sell raffle and 50/50 tickets
  • Serve drinks
  • Set up/Clean Up

Students help by:

  • Soliciting donations 
  • Playing your instrument during intro
  • Transport score sheets
  • Watch raffle/auction items
  • Sell raffle tickets
  • Set up/Clean up



Jazz and Bistro was a new event in March of 2022 held in the new cafeteria at the high school. In collaboration with the band directors, jazz students perform while attendees enjoy dinner prepared and served by parent and student volunteers. A committee is needed to work with the directors, plan food items, and solicit donations for the silent auction. 

Parent and student volunteers help with:

  • Food/drink prep & serving
  • Set up/Clean up
  • Sell Raffle tickets


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hide sectionVolunteer Opportunities
Parents & Students: Help is needed collecting and sorting collections. @ LHS Commons.
This is one of our biggest fundraisers! We have numerous volunteer opportunities for parents and students. @ LHS


It takes a lot of volunteers to keep the Band playing. To learn about all the opportunities available throughout the year click the links below.

Marching Band Season

Concert Band Season

Fundraising Events

hide sectionVolunteer Opportunities
Parents & Students: Help is needed collecting and sorting collections. @ LHS Commons.
This is one of our biggest fundraisers! We have numerous volunteer opportunities for parents and students. @ LHS