Middle School Band Expectations

In an effort to provide the most successful learning environment for our band students, the following expectations must be observed on a daily basis.

Rehearsal Expectations:

  1. Be on time.
  2. Sit with proper posture and playing position. Stay in your seat.
  3. Only speak/play at appropriate times.
  4. Be respectful to teachers and classmates.
  5. Food/drinks/gum are not allowed in the band room.
  6. Restroom and drinking fountains should be used before entering the band room. Students will not be allowed to leave the band room at the beginning of class.
  7. Conduct yourself in a manner that allows directors and classmates to trust you.

Rehearsal Etiquette

Band students are among the best students in the school. Given this, we set extremely high standards in the classroom. To utilize rehearsal time to the utmost and to provide the students with the most effective atmosphere conducive to learning in our large class sizes, we require 100% attention. Simply put, we have adopted the policy of silent rehearsals. Students who are continuously distracting from the task at hand will be dealt with quickly. Band is a team effort, however, unlike many sports teams, no one sits the bench in band. It is simply impossible to progress as a band unless everyone is focused on the goal that is trying to be achieved. It is also imperative that our students come to class prepared. This includes having instruments, books, binders, music, pencils, and all of the accessories required to play their particular instrument. Coming to class with all of these items will result in efficient and effective rehearsals.

Academic Expectations:

  1. Students must have their band binder with all materials (book, pencil, music, handouts).
  2. Students are expected to bring their instrument to class everyday in proper working condition along with all required accessories (accessories may include: mutes, valve oil, tuning slide grease, slide cream, reeds, cork grease).
  3. If a student is unable to play their instrument for any reason, parents must provide a note on the day the student is without the instrument. The note must be signed by a parent.

The band department takes great pride in further developing caring, trustworthy, responsible, and respectful young musicians. The image our band portrays to the public is more important than anything they achieve on stage. These expectations are meant to support our efforts to raise outstanding musicians and more importantly, wonderful people.

Concert Attendance

It is pretty unbelievable to think of how many hours our young musicians spend practicing and rehearsing between concerts. There is no greater feeling as a director than seeing the students walk off the stage knowing that all the hard work in previous months just paid off with an outstanding performance. As parents, we hope you will be part of that experience too. Our bands’ performance schedules and concert dates included on the Lindbergh Middle School Band Calendar. Barring a school cancellation or inclement weather conditions, these performance dates will not change. More information will be sent home about Jazz Band performance dates as well as any other important dates that might come up as soon as they are determined.

Please make every effort to clear these dates on your calendar immediately. Any conflicts that may arise with these dates will be handled on a case-by-case basis. If there is a conflict with a performance, Mr. Brian Wyss needs to know at least two weeks in advance. He would prefer to know immediately. The only excused absences will be an illness requiring a doctor’s note, a family emergency with a note from parent or guardian, or an arrangement previously made with the director. Please plan to attend these special events with your young musician.

Sperreng Middle School Concerts
December 6, 2023
May 1, 2024

Truman Middle School Concerts
December 13, 2023
May 8, 2024